This week we scanned ourselves using structure sensors and Skanect, to create 3D avatars that we can animate in Mixamo. It was difficult to get a good scan: things to consider were keeping the sensor level, maintaining a wifi connection with the computer running Skanect, moving the sensor in the right direction at the right speed, and making sure to stay very still. Post-processing in Skanect allows you to color your scan, edit out the ground, and rotate the figure for importing into Mixamo.
While I maintained “claw hands” during my scan, I must have moved a little bit and my hands just messed up anyway. So when I rigged my figure, I used the fewest number of joints, giving me a mitten-hand effect.
As a next step we imported our Mixamo-animated Fuse characters & our own avatars into Unity, and experimented with creating scenes: